Tuesday, July 1, 2008

One way to go green... cloth bags

I’ll admit, when I first heard about using cloth bags for grocery shopping, I was kind of stumped. A friend suggested it to me and I thought of every reason why not to – including wondering what people would think when they saw me doing so. Silly, I know. Finally, one day I caved and bought two bags at the local grocery store – at only 99 cents a piece, I figured I couldn’t go wrong.

Wow. I’ve totally changed my opinion – cloth bags are awesome. I figure that every time I do my weekly grocery shopping, I use at least 4 plastic bags. At 52 weeks in a year, that’s 208 plastic bags that I use… and that’s just one year! Now my 2 cloth bags manage to hold everything that my plastic bags used to hold, and then some! They are durable, I don’t have to worry about them breaking, and they’re convenient – my two bags and I get up to my third floor apartment with much less of a struggle than the plastic bags.

Yes, cloth bags are everywhere now, some expensive and some not so expensive. When I go grocery shopping now (as opposed to when I first started, a few months ago), I see more people using them, but they’re still in the minority – they make up maybe a fifth of the customers, as far as I can tell. I hope that they continue to become “popular” and that more people can appreciate them, like I do!


Lisa said...

Ooh, you've inspired me to do the math for how many bags a year we use! (Only math wasn't my best subject. ;)) Is there a ratio for how much a cloth bag holds vs. a plastic sack? At Wal Mart the other day the checker put a gallon of milk, a gallon of orange juice, a thing of cranapple juice, and something else all in one bag. I was impressed!

Anonymous said...

Cloth bags are the bomb. I not only use mine for grocery shopping but for... well, anything! I actually used one of the small red ones as a handbag and got TONS of comments on it.

The cloth bags are so much stronger and can hold so much more stuff in them. I had a hard time carrying one of them because it was so loaded with canned goods! I'm going to need to lift weights just to carry my groceries up three floors now!!

Vera Prince said...

I really like these bags. it's an excellent alternative to the paper or plastic dilemma. I gave my students a bonus question of paper or plastic and only one out of 25 suggested neither. This suggests that this issue needs more publicity.